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6 Things Can Add To Make Good Coffee At Home

A cup of coffee is always perfect on its own. But, wouldn’t it be great to step out of the comfort zone once a while and try something new? Today, we’ve compiled a list of additional ingredients that you can add to make your coffee taste much more exciting. Who knows, you might even find a new flavor that you’ll be obsessed with.

1. Ice Cream

Putting ice cream isn’t that unusual nowadays because our favorite coffee shop usually has this on their menu. But, did you know that it is called eiskaffee in German? It simply means coffee and ice cream. Just be sure to put light tasting ice cream such as vanilla so that it won’t mask the coffee taste too much.


2.  Cocoa Powder

We all know about adding chocolate to coffee to make mocha. But, let’s go a step higher than that. Add cocoa powder instead. The idea originates from a Milanese drink called barbajada that consists of cocoa powder, sugar, milk and coffee. What a great way to add the cocoa goodness into your favorite drink!


3. Hazelnut

Hazelnut not only tastes great but it also contains high amount of vitamin B and E. You definitely don’t want to miss this beneficial addition to your coffee. Just add one teaspoon of ground hazelnut to your coffee or as much as you want depending on your preference.


4. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a famous spice that comes with a bunch of benefits such as controlling blood sugar, lowers risk of heart disease, and prevents sugar spike when mixed with coffee. It also adds a slight sweet taste to your coffee. So, with the right amount, you probably don’t even need sugar in your coffee.


5. Grass-Fed Butter

Butter coffee basically consists of coffee, grass-fed butter and MCT oil (such as coconut oil). Adding grass-fed butter helps metabolize caffeine slowly thus prevents the jittery effects. It also reduce hunger which basically turns your coffee into a light breakfast. MCT oil helps in metabolism and it’s not stored in your body. So, you don’t have to worry about weight gain.


6. Vanilla Extract

Drizzle a few drops of vanilla extract into your coffee for a new exciting taste. Vanilla has a great potential as health supplement. It is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammation properties. Enjoy its healthy goodness along with your coffee!


Did you know, adding egg to your coffee ground before brewing creates a cup of clearer coffee? Sounds awesome right? It also doesn’t affect the coffee flavor that much, just the texture. Feel free to try any of the new addons here in your coffee. We can’t guarantee that it suits you since every person’s taste is unique on its own. So, try all of them and let us know the best addons you like in the comments. Better yet, if you know any great addons that will improve the coffee taste, share it with us!

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