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Fun Christmas Balcony Decorating Ideas

This is something special for apartment dwellers. While the front door is a bit too packed to have any decent Christmas decoration, there’s still the balcony side that we can use to express our Christmas spirit! Besides, it also helps your guests to tell which floor you’re in. Haha! Anyways, let’s checkout what great ideas we have to transform your balcony into something great this Christmas!

1. Lighted Christmas Wreaths

These will really look amazing at night. The light will make your apartment get all the attention! You can put the wreaths facing in our out of the balcony.


2. Evergreen and Lights

Make your balcony look peaceful and serene with green evergreens and lights.


3. Wreaths, Lights & Evergreen

This is like the combination of idea 1 and 2 above. Rather than bushy evergreens in idea no. 2, we’ll be using faux greens instead. It’s easier to manage and you get to wrap around the frame with ease.


4. Lighted Candy Canes

It’s beautiful that the candy canes are lighted too in this amazing decor!


5. Colorful Garland

This balcony is lit! The dark green leaves helps the bright shiny ball ornament to pop out.


6. Flashy Strings

We can never go wrong with string lights. You can make a curtain with it! It’s gonna look so amazing. Be sure to get the outdoor grade string lights for this.


7. Potted Xmas Decor

Some of us may have those rail-attached potted planters. Well, it’s time to take those plants out and fill it with Christmas joy! Decorate it with greens and ornaments. It’s gonna be nice!


8. Hanging Santa

Make an exciting scene by the balcony with a hanging Santa. You can create it easily with cardboard and paint. It’s gonna freak people out at first before realizing that it’s just a decor.


9. Giant Ornamental Balls

These huge balls are gonna wow people all around!


10. Balcony Christmas Tree

If your balcony is spacious enough, there’s nothing wrong with putting a Christmas tree out there.


11. Deer Lighting

It’s amazing how the creator made this tiny scene of two deer in the scene. You can make one yourself by wrapping string lights around a wooden or wire deer-shaped frame.


Hope these ideas will serve you well this Christmas! If you like this post, share it! It’ll encourage us a lot!

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