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Behold! You’re about to feast your eyes on some of the best DIY coat hook ideas! The hook itself is simple. You can make them out of toys, keys, branches, pipes and more! To make the place cozy and nice, it’s always a great idea to have shelves installation nearby where you can put upcycled succulent planters, random crafty ornament or your photos! There’s no way to go wrong and it’s entirely up to your sense of taste to make your entry way as pleasing as you can.

1. Shelved Coat Rack

This handy installment can fulfill your basic entry way needs! It has shelves to hold your letters, keys and coats. There’s also space for ornaments and a planter to keep the spot looking cheerful.

2. Trunk Base Branch Coat Hanger

Adapt the features of nature into your coat rack design! Keep your eye out for unique shaped branches that would fit to be a coat hanger as that would save all the hassle!

See more: 15 Beautiful Upcycle Wooden Branch DIY Ideas To Bring More Nature Into Your Home

3. Driftwood Wall Hanger DIY

Simple single straight branch equipped with rows of hanger hooks is just what you need for your entry way. Keep it minimalist!

4. Branched Bracket

Once again, nature mesmerizes us! This design of coat rack integrates branches in a smart way. You just box them all into a frame!

5. Vertical Six Prong Coat Rack

Fancy for some piping work? It’s not about the drain. This time it’s about making a coat rack! There’s one for hat, coat and grocery bag. Make more extension for more items!

6. Oak Wood Entry Way Coat Rack

Clear colored wood makes best coat rack for modern homes. There’s tiny little dowels under the shelf. As for the top of the shelf, there’s a storage box. It’s also smart that they hang a mini blackboard to remind them to get the groceries whenever they’re going out.

7. Coat Rack Corner

There’s nothing much special with the hook design of this entry way. However, when bundled with other things such as a comfy seat with basket storage under and the shelves on top, it makes this place looks cozy and nice.

8. Three Branched Stick

These coat racks form the appearance of little trees without leaves. They’re cute and can be easily constructed using reclaimed wood of old furniture.

9. Bar Coat Hook

These bars on the wall works as a wall decor as well as platform for hooks. You can place the hooks strategically as you you see fit. Have some lower hooks for the umbrellas!

10. Wooden Dowel Coat Rack

This is a modern touch to coat racks. It’s made out of four wooden dowels tied up together.

11. Wooden Plank Tree

Put a row of hooks on a wooden board. Then, extend them up the wall with the rest of it forming branches. It creates a nice wall art of a tree. You can put decals of birds too!

12. Mini Surfboard

Surf your way home but wait! Don’t forget to hang your coat on them first!

13. Rustic Ladder

Old wooden ladders makes it way into your living space with a little modification. It can handle your coats for you!

14. Inspiring Multilevel Hook Entry Way

There’s a lot of rows of hooks each put at different levels to suit their functionalities. The top is for the coat. You can customize it to hold baskets and also a clipboard to put your photos or sticky notes or buying list.

15. Monster Coat Rack Shelf

Not sure what the compartment is for. But, this wooden coat rack shelf is one epic thing to have. It has a rustic appearance which spells beautiful with the wooden wall behind it. Don’t forget to mention that fur seat. It’s makes the seat so comfy to sit on as you take your shoes off.

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