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Today, HomelySmart will be bringing you some random neat tricks that you’ve probably never heard of. The tips here are interesting to know and is easily applicable. Read on and get to know what is the one thing that can get repel cockroaches. Or how to ease your bathroom cleaning endeavors. Let’s find out!

1. Candle For Cleaning

In most homes, there’s tiles covering certain parts of the houses. Our bathrooms are the most common place that has tiles besides the kitchen. When water splashes on them, it is often that the water will be trapped at the slit between the tiles. If left long enough, mineral and sediments from the water will start to set in. This cause the slit to gradually turn brown. What’s worse is that it can be quite difficult to scrub it clean. However, it’s not all bad. With a candle, simply rub it several times between the lining until a layer of wax is formed. That layer of wax is what will allow water to flow away with ease. Save the hassle of cleaning the tiles!


2. DIY Black Light

Black light is often used to detect fake currencies, blood, urine, examine crime scenes and many more that is usually not visible under normal light. So, how does this useful to us? There is one thing that is also visible under black light – germs. With some easy work of DIY, we can turn our camera into germ detecting gadget. All you need is some simple office equipment:

  • blue sharpie
  • purple sharpie
  • scotch tape


  1. put a tape over the flash of the camera
  2. color with blue sharpie & let it dry
  3. repeat 1 to 2
  4. repeat 1 to 2 again but this time with purple sharpie

Now, it’s ready for a field test. Head on to the nearest toilet (assuming it’s the dirtiest place in the house). Turn the lights off and take a photo with flash on.


3. Nature Way To Clean Wooden Cutting Board

This is a citrus-fragrant method to clean your wooden cutting board and deodorize it at the same time. It is using all natural ingredient so it’s safe for both environment and you. All you need is:

  • lemon
  • salt
  • water
  • paper towel


  1. cut the lemon in half
  2. squeeze one half lemon juice on the wooden board and spread it through the entire surface (lemon will deodorize it)
  3. sprinkle some salt to cover the surface as well
  4. squeeze the other half lemon on it again
  5. use the lemon to scrub the surface of the board
  6. use paper towel to wipe the salt and lemon off the board
  7. let it air dry

Your wooden cutting board will now have a protective coating.


4. Cinnamon On Seedling

Seedlings are vulnerable to fungal diseases. It may kill them before they even have the chance to grow into beautiful flowers or produce. So, certain measures has to be taken to protect the plants. Gardeners may know this trick so this is for someone who just stepped into gardening. Simply sprinkle some cinnamon powder around the plant will protect it. Cinnamon is a super food that is well known for its antibacterial properties. It can help to combat fungal before it ruins your plants.



5. Scare Cockroaches Away

Cockroaches are common pests that spread terrors in a lot of households. The sight of one flying around will set everyone screaming and running for cover. But, there is one simple way to get rid of them – bay leaves. Bay leaves are often used for cooking. It is well-known for its distinct flavor and fragrance which also the very same thing that drives off cockroaches. Spread several pieces of bay leaves throughout the kitchen and it will change your life forever.


6. Coins To Cool Off Computer

A musician from Kanagawa, Japan, Akinori Suzuki posted a neat trick to help his computer to release heat by stacking copper coins over his laptop. Copper conducts heat better than the aluminium casing of his laptop. So, heat transfers from his laptop to the copper coins. However it is said that this method is not guaranteed. Constant replacing of the stack of copper coins may be required once they’ve heated enough to efficiently cool off the computer.


7. Lemon For Better Sleep


Lemons are great antioxidant fruit that can combat cancer cells when consumed. But, eating it isn’t the only way one can benefit from this wonderful fruit. Cutting it and placing the sliced fruit next to your bed too can help. For better effect, use lemon essential oil. Lemon essential oil can help with breathing. The magic behind this is its limonene content. It also can freshen the air, kills bacteria, deter insects, reduces anxiety and stress and reduce blood pressure. So, if next time you’re thinking of getting essential oils, put this in your priority list.


We hope the tricks here are fresh and new to you because it is, for us. It’s very interesting to know that we can use candle to help us keep the bathroom clean. There’s lots of essential oils out there such as lavender, birch, citron and many more. Each has there own uses and benefits that probably outweigh others. So today, we get to know what lemon essential oil does. Stay tuned for more posts as we reveal more tips & tricks that will benefit your life.

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