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Banana Hacks You Should Know

In this list, we will show you some amazing hacks with a banana. Now, banana is delicious and nutritious to be eaten just like that. It is packed with potassium, vitamins and other nutrients that makes it a wonderful fruit. It helps to relax muscles which makes it a popular choice among athletes. However, we will be exploring something further than just eating them.

1. Slice It With A Metal Cooling Rack

Youtuber DaveHax demonstrated a unique way to slice banana quickly using a cooling rack. Simply place the rack on top of a container. Peel the banana in half and put it on the rack. Push the banana through.


2. Alleviate Itching

Did you know that banana peel can save you from itchy ailments? If you’re being bitten by mosquitoes, suffering from sunburn or came into contact with poison ivy, you can rub the banana peel on the affected surface area. It can alleviate some of the itching. However, do seek medical attention if the ailment is serious as rubbing with a banana can only act as temporary solution to soothe your skin.


3. Polish Shoes

Yes, you can polish shoes! The banana has potassium which also found in shoe polish. These guys from YuppieChef made an experiment that compares the use of banana peel and shoe polish. Amazingly, banana peel did a great job in polishing the shoe. Talk about an environmental-safe shoe polish.


4. Get Rid Of Fleas

Banana peel does attract fruit flies, but it is harmful to fleas. Fleas are attracted to the peels and will eat them. However, their body cannot handle the enzymes in the peel. Eventually, the fleas will die. Even if your banana peels are turning brown and black, this method still works. You can place several peels into a few bowls and put it around the house. Let it be for a day or two for it to work then throw them away before they attract fruit flies.


5. Remove Splinters

Banana peel is rich with enzymes that will help draw out the splinter from the surface of the skin. The antioxidants and vitamins in it will also help the healing process. Note that it may take several poultices to remove the splinter effectively.

  1. Cut out a small piece of the banana peel.
  2. Cover the affected area with the peel (be sure the pulp side of the peel is in contact with the skin).
  3. Hold the peel in place with a tape and leave it overnight.
  4. The splinter should be visible and easier to pull out with tweezers in the next morning.


6. Pet Food

Bananas are nutritious not just for humans but also for your furry companion. Bananas has nutrients such as potassium, vitamins, fiber, biotin and copper that is beneficial to them. Just mix some bananas with your dog’s favorite treat. Note that you should not feed them bananas as part of their diet. Eating too much bananas will cause constipation to your dogs. Also, like picky kids, some dogs may not like its taste.


7. Banana Mask For Dry Hair

Conditioner isn’t the only thing for soft and smooth hair. Bananas can do the job too! Bananas can moisture your hair and add some life shine to them. It’s a good choice if you want an environmentally-safe and chemical-free option. Just follow the steps:


  1. Blend 2 bananas till they form paste.
  2. Add 2 tablespoon of olive oil.
  3. Add 2 tablespoon of honey.

How to apply:

  1. Apply the mask from the roots to all over the hair.
  2. Use a shower cap to prevent them from dripping.
  3. Let it sit for 30 minutes.
  4. Rinse hair thoroughly and shampoo.
  5. Let it air dry.


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