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DIY Coffee Mug Gift Ideas

Mugs make amazing gifts. They’re one of the most popular gift ideas out there and there’s a reason for that! They are customizable! You can make it unique with your scribbles and paintings. Just go creative with it. We understand that even the most creative people will encounter art block. That’s why this post is created! Get some cool inspiration here. Make a special mug from the heart for birthdays, anniversaries, friendship celebrations and whatnot.

There’s basically two method to make your sharpie marker in stick to the ceramic surface for good. One is to apply a clear sealer for porcelain. The other is to bake it in the oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. To make the color darker, you may have to let the ink dry a while before repainting the same surface. Repeat until you are satisfied with the color before baking or sealing the mug.

Now with the technical part settled, let’s get into the ideas!

1. Watercolor Flower


Inspired by the arrival of spring, this colorful flower mug shows off beautiful vibrant colors that brings a cheerful vibe to its user! This idea uses clear sealer for ceramics. Checkout full details in tutorial link below.


2. Heart Glitter

I love how the heart shape is aligned to the mug’s handle. You have to make a heart shaped stencil for this to guide the dotting. This method uses baking to make the paint permanent. 


3. Name Initials

Something special for everyone! Except if their name starts with the same initial. Well, just be creative and make up something.


4. Mood Mug

These mug comes with a cute face at the bottom to show your mood. You can draw a simple smiley face or a dog mouth. This idea uses porcelain paint for the base. Apply a few layers and let it dry before the next layer until it is fully black. Masking tape is used to guide the paint and prevent miscoloring. Remove the masking tape before baking it in the oven at 170 degrees for 35 minutes. After it has cool down, you can draw the faces with an erasable marker pen. You can always wash out the base and redraw a new face as to your mood.


5. Mug Doodles

Go crazy with your doodling creativity. The mug is your canvas. So, express yourself freely. You can use the clear sealer method or baking method to make your sharpie paint stick. 


6. Gold Glitter Mug

Make an elegant set of mugs with gold! Not with real gold, but Sharpie gold!


7. Snowflake 

Something special for Christmas gift. 


8. Baymax

Cute iconic Disney character, Baymax!


9. Dad Decal Mugs

Instead of watercolor, ceramic paint or sharpie ink, this idea uses decals for the decorative image. A sealer is applied later to make it permanent. Checkout the tutorial to see how you can apply decals to your mugs.


10. Hanging Tea Bag 

It’s like having a real tea bag hanging out from your mug! A nice DIY idea for tea lovers.


11. Kaomoji Mug

Funny facial expressions will make your mugs come to life! You can use sharpie pens for this cute idea. 


12. Nail Polish Colored Mugs

Care for some abstract art on your mugs? This brilliant idea uses nail polish as coloring. Checkout the link below for more details on how to make this!


13. Two-tone Dipped Mug

They’re simple and elegant. Just the right design that will match your modern accent kitchen. And no, they’re not really dipped. They’re painted. Masking tape is used to cover up the upper part. Then, use a brush to paint the bottom with porcelain paint. 


It’s impossible to cover every ideas in this post. So, we just covered the basics concepts. With a little creativity, sky’s the limit to how you can customize your mug. You can go for hand lettering and write funny messages on the mug, or doodle something that your recipient will like. Then, choose one of the two ways to make the ink permanent – baking or clear sealant. Most importantly, enjoy the process!

Checkout out our amazing new post featuring unique mugs that you can buy! You can also drop by our Shop to see what else we have in the list!

50 Peculiar Gift Mugs You Must See

Check It Out


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