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DIY Lighting That Your Room Deserves

Lighting is one of the most important feature that a home should have. It needs to be bright enough to provide comfort to the eyes when doing things like cooking or cleaning. Sometimes, it’s better if the light is a little bit dim and warm to the eyes to set off a desired romantic ambiance. In other times, it can be bright and fancy as part of the home decor. No matter what needs you want, you gotta see the ideas here! It’ll probably strike up the creative genius in you to bring one of these into your life!

1. Cloud Light

The cloud light not only looks impressive, it also actually works! It’s like having a puff of weather storm cloud floating inside your room but without the thunder. Checkout the link below for a video tutorial.


2. Birch Tree Lamp

Bring home part of nature and make this one amazing lamp. Note that birch wood is flammable. So, it’s better to coat it with flame retardant spray as a safety precaution. Anyway, it does look natural and you can decorate it with faux vines to create the jungle feel to it. Checkout link below to see its tutorial.


3. Paper Roll Lamp

This looks quite impressive even if it’s made with rolls of paper! You can actually put this on top of your table lamp as an addon. Save all the electrical lighting work.


4. Skateboard Lights

Have a broken skateboard somewhere? Don’t throw that away just yet! We got a grand plan for it. Checkout the source link below for tutorial.


5. Clothes Pin Lamp

Let no man say you’re up to no good this weekend with this incredibly easy lamp project! Clothes pin isn’t just good to hold your clothes on a string together. It turns out you can make a good lamp out of it as well. Not just an ordinary lamp but the modern architectural kind! Checkout tutorial via link below.


6. Nature-Inspired Floor Lamp

This lamp is made of wood with a nature-patterned bird lamp shade. It’s portable so you can always bring in an extra light anywhere should the need arises.


7. Hat Lights

Hats off to these guys! These floating hats look kinda like UFO with lights coming from the bottom. Low-temperature light bulbs are used to avoid the risk of over-heating. Checkout the tutorial via link below.


8. Hanging Paper Fan Cardboard Light

More modern hanging lights! And this one is made with cheap cardboard. It’s made of cheap stuffs but it doesn’t look cheap at all. Checkout the template via link below.


9. Bottle Lamp

The bottle is empty but it actually works! What sorcery is this? Find out the secret via link below!


10. Polygonal Lamp Shade

Here’s another unique cardboard-based lamp shade that deserves a spot in this list. It looks amazing and we don’t really care if it’s made with cheap cardboard! Checkout the template via source link below.


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