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Super Foods To Boost Your Mood

Mood related disorder has been on the rise. This can be due to what we eat. Food such as refined sugar and processed food has been proven to aggravate depression (source). Foods affect our brain chemistry. Which is why it is important to understand the type of food and their effects on our health. Other than that, people also suffer from bad mood due to circumstances such as the loss of a pet or breaking up with someone. When things go South, we shouldn’t neglect our health. Eat right. Be kind to ourselves. In this post, we’re gonna go through a list of power foods that we should enrich in our diet to combat bad mood. Go through the list, you might be able to help the people around you in via culinary way.

1. Asparagus

Asparagus is a well-known wonder for boosting mood. It has abundance of folate which helps to boost your mood. The vitamin B-12 content also helps in regulating healthy brain function. It’s one option to go for rather than fish or meat which can be fattening.


2. Goji Berry

Goji berry is quite famous in Chinese cuisine. It is known to possess anti-aging properties as described in traditional Chinese medicine manual. It’s also good for the eye and heart and most importantly, it helps with our moods. It nourishes the nervous system which influences our mood and also replenishes energy for the brain.


3. Bananas

Banana is an extremely popular choice thanks to its ability to prevent muscle cramps during workout and provide a huge energy punch. It is also rich in tryptophan which is needed by the body to produce serotonin (a hormone that is responsible for good mood).


4. Eggs

Eggs are an old time breakfast favorite. After this, you’ll probably love it more. It is packed with omega-3-fatty acids, selenium and vitamin Bs which helps with depression and improve mood. So, have a great eggy breakfast everybody!


5. Nuts

All nuts have B vitamins and magnesium. Magnesium is required for a healthy nervous system. It is also capable in warding off anxiety and depression. Cashews happen to be one of the nuts that is rich in vitamin B6 which helps with the uptake of serotonin by the body. This improves overall brain health and reduces depression.


6. Chocolate

Here’s another tasty way to boost your mood. Chocolate! They reduce hunger and elevates mood. As experienced for some, eating chocolate also provides the feeling of joy. Looks like chocolate isn’t that sinful after all.


7. Coconut

Our brain need fats to function properly which can be provided by coconuts. With sufficient nutrition to the brain, mental ailments such as depression and mood swings can be reduced. Other than reducing levels of cholesterol and blood sugar level, study also suggests that it is capable in reducing the production of stress hormone. These are the exact reason why coconut should be your next favorite dessert!


8. Tea

Tea contains theanine which is an anti-depressant and stress-reliever. It also helps with physical and mental relaxation. If you don’t like tea, maybe you should give it a chance considering how helpful it can be. Other than improving moods, it is also loaded with antioxidants which is good for your immune system and gastrointestinal health. The best part about tea is that it comes with a huge variety such as lavender, saffron, sage and green tea. Surely one of these will suit your taste.


9. Spinach

Give way to Popeye’s iconic food! Spinach! Spinach contains high level of tryptophan that is required to produce serotonin. Other than tryptophan, the body too requires vitamin C and vitamin B6 for successful conversion of serotonin. Therefore, the ideal food combination would be something like spinach, boiled egg and citrus juice. All these 3 ingredients together form the ultimate mood-booster.


10. Fish

Low levels of omega-3-fatty acids is often linked with psychological problems such as depression and attention deficit disorder. Therefore, this is a nutrition that needs to be constantly at its optimum level. Fish is rich with this essential fatty acids. So, anyone up for some salmon sushi? Alternately you can choose fish oil to supplement your diet. It works too.


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