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Frankenstein DIY Crafts and Treats

Halloween will be complete celebration without any crafts and treats. Here are some cute and adorable Frankenstein DIY crafts and treats from food to props.

Need Frankenstein costume? Check here.

1. Cupcakes

Bake your cupcakes in green ice cones. This is an adorable looking and make a good treats for the kids.


2. Cookies

Get your green cookies with this quick and easy recipe. Kids going to finish off those cookies quick.


3. Frankenstein Marshmallow

Make cute and tasty marshmallow treats using green candy, lollipop stick, marshmallow, chocolate chips and candy eyeballs.


4. Pudding

The tutorial shows an easy DIY of green vanilla pudding with crush Oreo.


5. Pizza

Halloween-theme pizza is a good treats for the holiday. The tutorial also comes with owl-theme pizza.


6. Treat cup

Make it easy for kids to take and carry their treats with cup that you make it yourself. The tutorial also suggests pumpkin and bat theme treat cup.


7. Treat box

If treat cup is too small for your DIY treats, then use a bigger container. We just got what you need, a treat box. See the tutorial for the details.


8. Store bag

Going from door to door for treats can quickly run out of place to store it. We got you cover with a DIY store bag to put all the goodies safely.


9. Juice Box

Instead giving candies and cookies, why not try something interesting by giving out juice box? Take it further by decorating the juice box.


10. Mask

The tutorial shows an easy to do mask tutorial that your kids can do. Bring it out for treat-and-trick event.


Check these vampire, ghost, scarecrow, mummy and witch costume DIY ideas.


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