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Fridge Organization Ideas

Fridge can be a really mess if you have a lot to keep inside. Sifting through the messy fridge is a common problem that we face the most especially during meal time. Sometimes, we may even discover some leftover food in there due to unknown circumstances. There’s only one way we can counter this problem. And, that is with an organized fridge!

1. Labeled Baskets

Create smaller compartments in the fridge with the use of baskets! Label them so you can access them quicker at a glance. It’s even more important to label the basket if you’re using non-translucent baskets.


2. Create Food Zones

By having a fixed place where you put your food, you get to access them quicker. So, you always get to finish the leftover on time! It’s a good practice that can be taught with the entire household members as well.


3. Plastic Wrap

Make your fridge easier to clean by the end of every 3 months by using plastic wraps.


4. Labeled Fridge Door

Write what you have in the fridge on a magnetized white board.


5. Egg Carton For Condiments

Store your condiment bottles upside down so it’s easier to squeeze them out when you need it later. You can hold them better in that position if you use egg cartons.


6. Magazine Holder

If basket is too large for you, you can create smaller compartments using magazine holders instead.


7. Plastic Bags For Fridge Drawer

As for the drawer, you can create separate compartments using plastic bags.


8. Fridge Magnet Cups

This isn’t exactly organizing but it’ll make your day awesome! Put magnetized plastic cups on the fridge door so it’ll be easier for you and entire family to have a quick refreshing drink from the fridge.


9. Know What To Refrigerate


Some foods doesn’t need to be refrigerated:

  • Onions
  • Honey
  • Tomatoes
  • Baked goods
  • Oils
  • Apples

Read more items in the list via the link below.


10. Eat Me First Basket

Put a special labeled basket for all of your perishables. That’ll help you to identify what needs to be finished first!


11. Magnetized Containers To Use Vertical Space

Turn the outer fridge into storage space as well with magnetized plastic containers. Alternately, you can also apply the same for inside the fridge to make use of the vertical space if that applies.


12. Clear Containers For Cut Vegetables

Vegetables can sometimes take up space because they come in different shapes and sizes. That makes storing them maybe difficult a bit. Why not cut them all up for later use and store them in convenient tall plastic containers to help maximize the vertical storage space.


13. Plastic Pullout Containers For Easy Access

Using baskets to sort out your things is one way. But, using pullout baskets is another better way!


14. Six Pack Containers To Help Storage

Sometimes, it’s hard to find exact fit to create compartment for storage of the fridge door. So, use six pack containers! They’re easy to be cut to fit the place just right!


15. Magnetized Pen Holder & Masking Tape

The fridge door is the best place for you to put a pen and masking tape. That way, you can easily label your containers and food whenever the need arises.


16. Stackable Plastic Containers

Put your food inside plastic containers so you can stack them up. Yes, even the eggs! When you want to access to one of them, simply slide them out. Easy peasy.


Hope these tips will help you turn into a better master chef. If you have unheard organization tips, let us know in the comments! As usual, if you like these kind of posts, share it! It’ll encourage us a lot.

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