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Halloween Bathroom Ideas

Every corner of the house needs to be well-decorated when you’re hosting a Halloween party – this includes the bathroom! Making your toilet spooky isn’t just for the Halloween hype. It spooks your toilet visitors and hence, help them to finish their business quicker. That way, nobody needs to wait too long to use the bathroom. It’s like killing two birds with one stone. You can also put sound player in there that makes weird noises from time to time. Just hide it well! Anyways, here’s a list of ways you can do to make your toilet haunted.

1. Skull Faucet

Slip a dollar store skull over the faucet for an easy toilet decor. Depending on the design of the faucet in your house, you can improvise. It’s probably a good idea to put this in the kitchen as well since the faucet design is just right for this purpose.


2. Bloody Mirror Message

Send your guests into shivering fear with a bloody message! “You’re next!”, “I know where you live!” or “There’s no more beer!”  You can use watercolor to write out the message or any removable ink. It’s totally an easy job.


3. Bloody Towel

Wash your hand with some fake blood and wipe it on a cheap towel to create one creepy bloody towel.


4. Body Bag

Hide the body of your recent killing in the toilet. Just kidding! Tie up water bottles and boxes in humanoid shape before covering them with dark plastic bag. Add more crumbled paper beneath as necessary to help form the desired shape. This DIY prop is huge but it’s gonna send chills to your guests if you put a tiny speaker in there that plays the sound effect of someone breathing.


Here’s a rough guide on how you should structure the inside of the prop.


5. Swarm Of Cockroaches

Turn the toilet into a horrific scene of cockroach infestation with a pack of dollar store plastic cockroaches. Just simply glue them all over the place!


Here’s an alternative arrangement for your cockroaches. Make them seem like they’re coming from the vent.


6. Creepy Crawlies In A Bottle

Hand soap bottles are a common thing in the toilet. Spook things up a bit by putting plastic cockroaches inside. Any insect crawlies will do actually. Just hope that your guests won’t be too afraid to wash their hands after their business.


7. Mask In A Jar

Make an easy prop using a creepy human mask and put it in a jar of water. You can put glow sticks in there for additional lighting effects.


8. Bloody Shower Curtain

Turn the toilet into a murder crime scene. Simply stain the shower curtain with fake blood. It’s also nice to put a body bag inside as props. For certain, it’ll make your guests uncomfortable and wish to exit the toilet quickly!


9. Bathing Skeleton

Skeletons need to take baths too! Since it’s less likely your guests will be going to the bathroom to take shower, that means the bath tub will remain unused. Don’t waste that space! Put a skeleton in there.


Here’s another neat idea with a tiny pot. You can put some dry ice into the pot for smoky visual effects.


10. Creepy Mask & Wig

The exact reenactment of reaction that you see in horror movie is about to unfold! You can easily make this using a face mask and wig. A styrofoam ball or balloon works well for the head shape. Put it up on a wooden stake for display. Or better yet, tape it onto the wall.


We hope the ideas here will help you put up an unforgettable Halloween party! Please like our Facebook page so you won’t miss an interesting post update!

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