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Healthy Halloween Fruit Ideas

Halloween is just right around the corner! Everybody will be trick-or-treating for lots and lots of candies! But, wait! Don’t you think that is a bit unhealthy? Let’s balance that a bit with fun and fancy servings of Halloween fruits! Most of the ideas here are fun to make. You can ask your kids to get involved with it! There isn’t much cooking involved. Instead, it’s more to helping the fruits dressed up for Halloween.

1. Ghost Berry

This is a berry that only appears once a year! It’s strawberries dipped in melted ghosts! Jokes aside, it’s actually strawberry dipped in vanilla candy coating. You can use chocolate chips for the eyes and mouths. Be sure to leave a trail of vanilla coating for the ghost tail! Else, it  won’t be called a ghost berry – we’ll be calling it pale berry!


2. Apple Mummies

This may look like an easy-to-do apple treat but it’s not quite. Peeling it then cutting it in half is one thing. You will also need to choose the right ingredient to use to prevent browning. The eyes can be made using dried blue berries. Then, there’s also choosing the right dip for your mummy. Be it apple sauce or or peanut butter silk pie dip, choose whatever you want that goes right with the apple taste. And, that’s the ultimate form apple mummies!


3. Boonana Pops

Some kids dislike bananas. That’s until they tried ghost Boonana pops! It’s made with white chocolate and bananas. Checkout the recipe by SkinnyTaste via the source link below. It’s one easy banana treat that you can’t miss!


4. Monster Mouths

Here’s another creepy yet creative treat for this coming Halloween. It’s mouths of real monster that you can make with apples, mini marshmallow and peanut butter! The peanut butter will act like adhesive to the crumbling marshmallow teeth! You don’t need expert cutting skills to make a crevice out of a piece of apple. The peanut and marshmallow are actually just sandwiched between two slices of apple! There’s an alternate version that uses pumpkin seeds for its teeth. You can go for that if you like a healthier choice.


Here’s another version of the same idea with eyes. You can buy candy eyes for this or cut marshmallow in half and use food marker instead. The eyes are glued onto the apple using peanut butter.


5. Ghost Fruit Kabobs

Add spooky twist to the casual fruit kabobs with marshmallow ghosts. You can use fruit marker to make the eyes and mouths of these ghosts!


6. Mandarin Pumpkins

If you’re a lazy person like I am, this is possibly the easiest fruity treat we can make! Just use a marker and draw pumpkin faces on mandarin. Same principle applies with bananas too!


7. Pumpkin Face Fruit Bowl

Sometimes, simplicity is the best. The rough edge of the pumpkin is made with oranges. Cantaloupe cubes fill the entire face. The red grapes becomes it’s eyes, nose and mouth. Green apples are used as the stalk. They’re just simple fruit arrangements with Halloween twist. It’s up to your creativity on what horrors you would want to make out of this!


8. Spooky Spider Snack

Enough with the 2D. Let’s go 3D! It’s a spider snack that is entirely edible! The legs are made of grapes connected together with pretzel sticks. The body is actually a plum. You might need to make holes for the legs with knives first. As for the eyes, you can stick candy eyes on it with UHU glue. I’m kidding! You can use cream cheese or peanut butter for that.


9. Jack O’ Lantern Fruit Cups

Just like how you carve pumpkins, you could do the same for oranges! After scooping out all the orange pulps, you can use it as a container to hold other various fruit cuttings. If the orange is not level, cut a slice out from the bottom. Then, you can balance it better!


10. Bloody White Chocolate Apples

OMG! It’s bloody! This treat is not for the faint-hearted! This is another easy treat that you can make. Just dip the apples into melted white chocolate. For the blood, you can use edible red sparkle gel.


We hope the ideas in this list are good enough to spark some excitement for oncoming Halloween! There are treats that uses fake eyes and spiders scattered around the food. But, we don’t think that’s a good idea considering that kids might accidentally eat them. Besides, bad lighting in certain places might be a bad factor as well. Anyways, thanks for visiting and share it if you like it!

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