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Indoor String Light Ideas

Decoration with string light has been quite a trend these days. It is one of the most versatile decorative item that you can get and it works pretty much everywhere in the house. You can set it up on the porch, the kitchen, bathroom, anywhere you can think of. So, when you’re out there scouting for the ideal string light for Christmas or any celebrations, try picking one that you’ll want to decorate the room with after the event is over. It’ll be fun. Now, let’s take a look on how we can use our string lights differently in our abode.

1. String Light Room Separator

The branches are setup inside wooden frames with string lights wrapped around it. It’s such a simple idea that will make your room look great.


2. Ladder Decor

It’s a simple decorative ladder that you can make. Along with the string light, it will be a pretty sight in your room.


3. Hanging Globe String Lights

If you want a special lighting that is not your usual main light, this is it. It will make your room looks so awesome. Suitable for romantic occasions or when you need something less bright.


4. String Light Window Curtain

String light comes with lots of shapes now. This is one good idea with star-shaped string lights. It lights up the window beautifully at night.


5. Above Bed Lighting

Fall asleep looking at the stars. Well, in this case, the shiny string lights.


6. Starry Wall Light

If you can’t find a fancy star-shaped string light, you can make it yourself!


7. Bed Frame Lighting

This is probably the easiest way you could make a decorative enhancement to your room. Just wrap some string lights along the bed frame.


8. Mirror Frame Decor

Wanna add some brighter complexion to your face?


9. Branch Light Decor

Decoration don’t have to be all expensive. In this idea, we get to see how a painted branch works well in decorating the room with some string lights. What’s great about this idea is that it is a suitable decoration for the whole year round.


10. Stair Light Decor

It is always advisable to keep some lights in the house on to ward-off burglars. This might be a great option for that! It also lights up the staircase well so you can take each step safely. This is important in particular when you have kids that loves to misplace their Lego bricks all over the place.


11. Window Side Lighting

Have a window with a beautiful view outside? Make it better with this idea!


12. Draped Lights On Blue Wall

Sometimes, it’s about the color harmony. If the wall is white, then a white lighted string light won’t be able to pop out that much. So, this is just good!


13. Headboard Decor

Want an instant romantic bedroom? Just add some lights!


14. Light Pillars

Sometimes it can be as easy as hanging a long string light from the ceiling. Leave the rest of them coiled up on the ground.


15. Lighted Words

Coil your favorite word out with string lights!


16. Net Of Ceiling Lights

String lights don’t just come in strands now. They come in the form of nets too! People usually cast a net of string lights on their bush plants so it will really look great at night. So, here’s another idea on how you can use that.


Hope these ideas will serve you well this coming Valentine’s Day. If you love these ideas, don’t keep them to yourselves, share them!

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