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Delicious Rainbow Food Recipes

There’s countless food presentation out there. And one which never fails to amaze people is the color of rainbow. Certainly, artificial coloring can be used but any health-conscious person would’ve loathed at that. So today, we’ve listed some of the rainbow food recipes out there that uses coloring from natural foods. Be ready for some rainbow fiesta!

1. Rainbow Pizza

You’re probably thinking that this recipe is easy to make. Just simply top some cooked vegies on top of a pizza crust. But, there’s something special about this pizza. Everything is made of vegie! Yes, even the crust. The crust is made with cauliflower. It’s so beautiful and delicious that it might encourage your kids that dislike vegie to eat more of it.


2. Rainbow Smoothie

This fun recipe isn’t just pleasing to the eye. It’s also delicious! It is packed with nutrition from all sorts of fruits and vegies. This is probably a good choice for people who can’t decide what kind of smoothie to have.


3. Rainbow Popsicle

Most desserts like cake, ice cream and chocolate are fattening and not that healthy. Which is why this recipe is a life saver! It is made with nutritional goodness of fruits such as mangoes, strawberries, bananas, oranges and raspberries. It definitely won’t disappoint your sweet tooth!


4. Rainbow Quinoa Salad

Salad doesn’t always have to be all green. The Rainbow Quinoa Salad is a colorful healthy recipe loaded with crunchy vegetable goodness and dressed with Tahini ginger dressing. What’s adds up to the specialty of this dish is that it tastes nicer when it’s warm.


5. Rainbow Skewers

It’s always nice to have a BBQ gathering once in a while with family and friends. We can never miss out the delicious chicken wings and satisfying beef steaks. And guess what else you can’t miss out after this? Grilled rainbow skewers! Add this healthy option into the BBQ session. You won’t regret it!


6. Rainbow Wraps

Some people would rather starve than to eat before going to bed. But, that’s not entirely healthy. Besides, feeling of hunger is an absolute torture. You don’t deserve that. Treat yourself well. Get a rainbow wrap! It’s good for light lunch and supper. And you don’t have to worry about gaining weight even if you have this before sleep.


7. Rainbow Rolls

Add a little Asian delight into your vegetable snack with this fine recipe. The wrap used in this recipe is rice paper wrappers that is easily available in Asian markets. You can eat this fine wrap with dipping sauce. Wrapping with rice paper wrappers may be a challenge. So, be sure to check the source link below for some tips and tricks on the wrapping techniques.


Having a potluck gathering soon? Perfect! Share this recipe to the chef. Surprise your friends with colorful rainbow!

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