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Weekend DIY Projects For A Great Family Time

On this beautiful day, we will show you guys more creative ideas out there that you can make with your family. Have you ever made a crayon lantern? How bout a gummy coke bottle? No? Let’s find out how we can make these! The ideas here are just nice to do with the entire family especially on weekends. Make something together. Have fun. Build a stronger bond.

In case you missed it: 10 Fun Hacks Worth Sharing – Part 1

1. Crayon Lantern

Lanterns are fun to play with especially in the night! This can actually make a fun activity that you can make with your kids using crayon, popsicle sticks and wax paper. Use more colors for a more beautiful version of your lanterns. By the end of the day, you can put a tealight candle or a real candle inside and be amazed with the beautiful glow!

2. Gummy Coke Bottle

Yes, the entire bottle is made of gummy! Watch the funny reaction on your victims face as they reach out to what they think is a bottle of coke but it turned out squishy and gummy! It’s a nice fun dessert that you can dice up and enjoy with a normal glass of coca cola.

3. CD Spinners For Children

Don’t know what to do with old CDs? Don’t worry! We got you covered! How bout make a spinner toy out of it! The best part is that you can actually make different patterns on top of it. On this video below, the creator uses the spiral pattern which creates the illusion as if the spinner is bulged upwards! Try different patterns to create different optical illusion.

Related: 16 Smart Ways To Transform CDs Into New Things

4. Making Pom Poms

Pom poms are soft balls that is so comfy to squeeze. What’s nice about it is that you can sew it along with other things like cushions, rugs or even as bag accessories. You can also use it for certain games without having to spend a lot on buying real balls.

5. How To Make Kinetic Sand

Kinetic sand is a hype right now! It’s like a combination of sand that never dries and fluffier version of play dough. They are generally much easier to be molded and shaped. They also won’t leave grainy sandy mess all over the place.


6. DIY Decorative Candle

These candles are cute! It’s gonna be a fun and interesting activity that your children will enjoy. Just be cautious as melted wax will be involved. Be sure to give them the necessary lecture on handling fire before proceeding with the activity.

7. DIY String Art

String art is like drawing. Instead of using pencil or water colors, we will be using nails and yarn instead. It’s a really interesting new art form that everyone can enjoy. You can decorate the house with it by the end of the day.

The basic steps to make this is as follows:

  1. Make a template of the art.
  2. Trace the art onto a cork board
  3. Pin nails onto the board.
  4. Start weaving the yarns onto the nails.

Checkout the tutorial via link below for a more thorough step-by-step guide.


8. No-sew Tote Bag

Shirts are one of the most common thing in the house. There’s usually no point in keeping old shirts around anymore considering fashion comes and goes. Shirts with years imprinted on it usually are the ones to go first. But, wait! Don’t get rid of them just yet. Checkout this idea first!

It’s no-sew which makes it safer than handling with needles. So, you can do it with your entire family. Convert all those old tees into tote bags!


Related: 17 Creative Ideas To Upcycle Old T-shirts

9. Create Secret Messages With Mirror

Secret messages are always so awesome to make back in my childhood days. They have this special pen that writes on a piece of paper. Then, at the other end of the pen is a UV light which is used to read the message. It was quite a hit back then. Guess what, we can do the same with milk too! So much for the hassle of finding one in any local shops!

10. Spoon Tree

Tree decorations! It’s a fun idea to make use of those extra plastic spoons right after a birthday party. The idea here uses a polystrene cone but you can achieve the same with a rolled paper cone. This works as the plastic spoons are light enough. If you’re trying to be creative and use materials other than plastic spoons, feel free to use polystrene cones instead.



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