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Easy Sore Throat Remedies

Sore throat can happen several times in our life. It is a miserable thing to deal with because every time we swallow our saliva, it is accompanied by pain. It makes us really appreciate the moment we can swallow normally. Sore throat can be happen if we’re drinking too little water, eating too much heaty food, onset of an oncoming cold or and indicator of other ailments. The remedies here are for informational purposes only. Please kindly consult doctor for the right cure. 

1. Gargle With Salt Water

Gargling with salt water provide relief to sore throat. Salt draws water out from the throat area which in washes the virus out. Note that you’re not supposed to swallow the salt water.

  • Mix 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounce of water.
  • Gargle for as long as you can.
  • Repeat 3 times a day as needed.

Salt water also has an effect of creating alkaline environment that inhibits bacterial activity in your mouth. So, it slows down tooth decay by these mouth bacteria.


2. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

ACV is acidic in nature and has antibacterial properties. It also can loosen the phlegm in the throat, allowing ease in breathing. There’s actually two methods to relieve sore throat with ACV.

Method 1

  • Sip a small amount of ACV.
  • Drink a glass of water after that.
  • Repeat as needed. (note that there should be 30 minute gap between each sips)

Method 2

  • Take a bigger sip of ACV.
  • Gargle in the mouth for a few minutes.
  • Don’t swallow.
  • Repeat as necessary.

Always remember to rinse your mouth after that because the acidic nature of ACV might erode the enamel. Bear in mind to wait 30 minutes before brushing the teeth for complete neutralization of the acid in your mouth.


3. Suck A Garlic

Garlic has allicin that is the very core of this super food. It is actually a chemical that is released when the garlic comes into harm by pests or animals. Crushing the garlic will release more of this chemical but we don’t have to do that. For this method do the following:

  • Cut a garlic in half.
  • Stuff the garlic into each side of the cheek.
  • Suck the garlic in your mouth for 10 minutes.
  • Swallow the juices.
  • Repeat as necessary.

The garlic may give you bad breath but that’s a small price to pay for quicker recovery.


4. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne contains a substance that blocks the transmission of pain signal to your pain. Therefore, it temporarily soothes pain due to sore throat. Its effects can last up to 2 hours. Here’s how to apply:

  • Mix 1/4 cup of water with 2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper.
  • Stir it well till it dissolves in the water.
  • Gargle for 10 seconds.


5. Baking Soda Gargle

The environment in our throat is much more acidic when we’re having sore throat. Baking soda is alkaline so it neutralizes the acidity well. Consequently, it relieves sore throat.

  • Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda into 8 ounces of water.
  • Stir well.
  • Gargle.


6. Pineapple Juice

At last, a delicious solution to sore throat. Pineapple has bromelain which can combat infection and kill bacteria thus, making it an effective relief for sore throat. Be sure to take fresh pineapple as processed pineapple tends to have bromelain destroyed in the process. Sore throat isn’t the only thing it helps with.  It is also a very good remedy in dissolving mucus. It’s fine to drink pineapple juice as it is but here’s a remedy for the ultimate sore throat relief:


  • pineapple juice – 1 cup
  • lemon juice – ¼ cup
  • ginger – 1 3-inch piece
  • honey – 1 tablespoon
  • cayenne pepper – ½ teaspoon


  • Blend the ingredients together.
  • Drink 1/4 of the mixture 2 to 3 times a day.


7. Ginger Honey Lemon

Ginger is one of the top power foods in battling cancer. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that helps in alleviating sore throat. But, it tastes bad. That’s why this remedy will be accompanied with lemon and honey.


  • 1 tablespoon of fresh ginger,
  • 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice,
  • 1 teaspoon of honey


  • Combine the ingredients in a mug of boiling water.
  • Let it steep for 5 minutes.
  • Drink the mixture slowly.
  • Repeat few times a day.


Choose your remedies wisely! Salt and baking soda may not taste nice but they’re the cheaper options. On the other hand, pineapple juice and ginger honey lemon mixture taste amazing but they’re much more costly to make. Kids may also find it difficult to gargle with apple cider and sucking on a garlic. So, choose a tastier option for them. If you find this post useful, share it!

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